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Data Security

Data Masking


Data Masking (DDM) de-identifies data and controls unauthorized access to production environments, such as customer service, billing, order management and customer engagement. It masks or blocks sensitive information to users based on their role, location and privileges. DDM can alert on unauthorized access attempts and provides logs for compliance and audit. Data Masking (DDM) de-identifies data and controls unauthorized access to production environments, such as customer service, billing, order management and customer engagement. It masks or blocks sensitive information to users based on their role, location and privileges. DDM can alert on unauthorized access attempts and provides logs for compliance and audit.



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Secure@Source helps you discover and remediate personal and sensitive data risk across your organization. It leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to deliver actionable data discovery and classification, risk scoring, behavioral analytics, and automated protection in a single solution. It supports both structured and unstructured data in cloud, on premises, and big data stores, as well as any relational and mainframe systems.


Secure@Source helps you prioritize data protection and privacy investments, policies, and programs: • Confirm what you know about your structured and unstructured sensitive data: Both management and practitioners gain global visibility into personal and sensitive data across the enterprise with data classification, discovery, proliferation analysis, user access, and activity correlation.

• Continuously monitor risk: Track data risk and remediation based on multiple factors, customizable to your organization’s needs, and identify top risk areas based on requirements.

• Uncover the unexpected: Leverage analytics to detect suspicious or unauthorized data access by continuously correlating, baselining, analyzing, and alerting on high-risk conditions and potential anomalous behaviors that threaten sensitive data.

• Remediate risk: Automate the orchestration of data security controls to protect data at rest and in use, prevent unauthorized access, and de-identify/anonymize/pseudonymize sensitive data. The risk simulator helps you understand the impact of data controls before implementation

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